The role of the CPF is to make the needs of the community known to the police and to help the police meet those needs. The primary objective is to promote a partnership between the community and the local police and to create an environment that will promote effective local policing that is user-friendly. The CPF assists the South African Police Service in accomplishing these aims.

A Community Police Forum (CPF) consists of organisations and institutions such as schools, ratepayers associations, civic organisations, businesses and religious institutions, working in partnership with the local police. The purpose of a CPF is to create and maintain a safe and secure environment for citizens living in the CPF’s area. (Please find the membership list and also the form to join here.)

All people of South Africa have rights and duties which are defined in the Bill of Rights (Chapter 2 of the Constitution) and defined in these national laws (also see the criminal justice and procedures act), sometimes further defined by provincial legislation and even further in municipal bylaws and policies.

The Stellenbosch Community Policing Forum is regulated by the South African Police Service Act No. 68 of 1995 and the SAPS Interim Regulations for Community Policing Forums and boards and National Instruction for Sector Policing (details in this folder).

The CPF executive committee is supported by the Department of Community Safety and the Community Safety Act of the Western Cape.

The Stellenbosch CPF is also a member of the Stellenbosch Safety Initiative which combines the resources of the state and private security in Stellenbosch and coordinates security efforts.

Sector duties are to implement short-term – medium-term and long-term strategies to eradicate the factors that contribute to crime

We are constituted to improve communication between the South African Police Service (SAPS) (Wikipedia page) and the community, to promote transparency, and to foster joint problem-solving and co-operation to improve service delivery by the SAPS.

The police are answerable to the communities they serve. The CPF represents the community’s interests and monitors the SAPS’ service delivery. At the same time, the CPF tries to promote the image of the SAPS to the community to foster closer ties between the SAPS and the community.


STELLENBOSCH    Community Policing Forum      Members of the Executive Committee            Oct 2019

Your name CPF position Occupation/Work / Affiliation Area Cell number Email

Belinda Van Rooyen

Chairperson Analyst  Koelenhof 072 430 8899
Cheryl Faro Deputy


 Jamestown 071 445 8185
Weziwe Mavovana Secretary Educator

Cynthia Nasau

Additional Member Elsenburg 076 509 5249
Annaline Smith Treasurer Agricultural Consultant


084 908 2910
Noku Katom Project Co-ordinator Human Developer Kayamandi 079 284 1757
Tim Flack Public Relations Officer Media Consultant/ Fixer Koelenhof 060 605 4562

Carol A. Puhl-Snyman

Additional Member

Linguist, lecturer, retired; Farm

Polkadraai 082 335 4860

021 881 3804
SAPS Col D Beneke Ex officio Station Commander or delegate 23 du Toit St. (SAPS)



021 809 5019

021 809 5015 (OPS Room)   ATT Col Beneke
SAPS Capt N Martin Ex officio CPF Rep to SAPS 23 du Toit St. 021809 5061

082 469 1351

Assistant Secretary: TBA