Emergency Numbers

Stellenbosch Safety Initiative (SSI)
Controlroom – coordinates SAPS, Law Enforcement and private security companies.
SAPS Emergencies Call Centre
(automatically registered for follow up and feedback on system at command centre)
SAPS Stellenbosch direct 021-809-5015 / 021-809-5012
More SAPS Numbers – emergencies, crimestop, service complaints
Stellenbosch University Campus Emergency number: 021-808-2333
Whatsapp: 082-808-2333
Enquiries / Reporting / Pedestrian service: 021-808-4666
SAPS Compliments and Complaints Compliments can be mailed to us to pass on to SAPS, and copies of your complaints for follow up by us. info [at] stellenboschcpf.co.za
Brochure about the complaints procedures (SAPS).  SAPS Complaints Centre contact details

Drug Awareness